GoContact a broadvoice company

Real Time Dashboards

Control your operations up to the minute

Define custom KPIs for your automations and be aware of all your customer’s behavior.
Real Time Dashboards | GoContact
Real Time Dashboards | Easy data connection | GoContact

Real Time Dashboards

Easy data connection

All your data connected simply and quickly on one screen. Combine all data sources and customer path information to get a unique view of service queues and their results.
Real Time Dashboards | Easy data connection | GoContact

Real Time Dashboards

Easy data connection​

All your data connected simply and quickly on one screen. Combine all data sources and customer path information to get a unique view of service queues and their results.

Real Time Dashboards

Custom KPIs

Define what are the KPIs of your Inbound campaigns, make real-time identification diagnoses for immediate action. KPIs configuration is easy and adaptable to each need and customer, and you can follow up on all the variables that your business requires.
Real Time Dashboards | Custom KPIs | GoContact

Real Time Dashboards

Custom KPIs

Define what are the KPIs of your Inbound campaigns, make real-time identification diagnoses for immediate action. KPIs configuration is easy and adaptable to each need and customer, and you can follow up on all the variables that your business requires.
Real Time Dashboards | Custom KPIs | GoContact
Real Time Dashboards | Know your customer's needs | GoContact

Real Time Dashboards

Know your customer's needs

With GoAnalytics Dashboards you can identify evolving customer needs, market trends, business and automation opportunities. You will be able to detect in real time when some automation needs to be changed or if an Inbound campaign is incomplete or needs to be improved and optimized.
Real Time Dashboards | Know your customer's needs | GoContact

Real Time Dashboards

Know your customer's needs

With GoAnalytics Dashboards you can identify evolving customer needs, market trends, business and automation opportunities. You will be able to detect in real time when some automation needs to be changed or if an Inbound campaign is incomplete or needs to be improved and optimized.

what our

Customers Say

Our Customers


their voice, chat and email channels with our bots.

The most Natural way to Reply

We believe that our success is created by being side by side with our customers and with daily follow-up. Schedule your online and customized demo of our email automation solution.

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